182 Wind Chime Court, Suite 203
Raleigh, North Carolina 27615
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Applied Kinesiology:
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is the study of muscles and the relationship of muscle strength to health. It incorporates a system of manual muscle testing and therapy. AK is based on the theory that an organ dysfunction is accompanied by a specific muscle weakness. Diseases are diagnosed through muscle-testing procedures and then treated. AK is not the same as kinesiology, or biomechanics, which is the scientific study of movement.
Its History
Applied Kinesiology involves the art and science of muscle testing. The word kinesiology comes from the words "kinesis" meaning movement and from "logos" meaning to study. It literally means the study of movement.
In the 1960s Dr. George Goodheart found that he could evaluate body function by the use of muscle tests. The principles of muscle testing can be used to evaluate virtually any organ or system in the body. It can be used to find nutritional needs and food sensitivities. People evaluated with this method are often amazed that something so simple can work so well.
During the examination some muscles will test "strong" and others will test "weak". The chiropractor skilled in Applied Kinesiology may realize that the "weakness" found in the muscle test may not only indicate poor muscle function, but possibly a connection with organ function, nutritional issues, issues with the acupuncture meridian, lymphatic drainage issues or vascular issues.